Pocket Spring Mattress Buying Guide

When it comes to mattresses there is an overwhelming variety to choose from. Mattress shopping can be tricky at the best of times and it’s getting more difficult as more and more options become available to the average consumer.

Below we will help you explore the basic characteristics of the pocket spring mattress and help you decide if this is the right type of mattress for you.

What are Pocket Spring Mattresses
Just as the name suggests pocket spring mattresses feature a number of springs that are separately housed in fabric pockets. Many of the pocket springs mattresses available on the market today also feature various different zones of springs.

  • The springs at the top of the mattress are usually of responsive firmer gauge wire, which compress with mild to moderate force.
  • The springs at the bottom of the mattress are also made of the firmer wire.
  • Because the centre of the mattress is where the most support is needed, the springs in that part can be firmer or softer depending on the objective of the mattress.
  • Different manufacturers tend to add extra multiple zones to their mattresses to suit different slippers needs.

There are several advantages to this type of mattress pocket spring construction, which explain why it is one of the most popular choices among those looking for a balance between a medium feel and a supportive base.

Benefits of Pocket Spring Mattresses
If you sleep with a partner, the mattress pocket spring system may be the right solution you’ve been looking for as it allows you to sleep easily without having to experience every toss and turn of your partner. So, if your partner’s movements at night are preventing you from having a good night’s sleep you should consider investing in this type of mattress.

  • Mattress with pocket springs also provides orthopedic support. If you choose supportive springs and a quality brand you can be sure that the mattress will provide a great support. Because each spring is separated, this offers your body support according to its own pressure points and contour lines.
  • Pocket spring mattresses are priced similarly to memory foam mattresses.

Choosing the Best Pocket Spring Mattress
While mattresses with less springs can offer great support, usually mattresses with over 2,000 springs are considered to be firm. There are three different types of spring mattresses with significant differences and each with their own advantages.

  • Nested pocket springs are consisted of closely packed springs often with a high spring count. These mattresses offer a firm support.
  • Linea pocket springs are grouped in roles and are one of the more popular ways to manufacture spring mattresses.
  • Suspension pocket springs are known as spring in spring mattresses, are literally a small spring inside of a large spring, which offers fantastic support.

Overall, pocket springs are one of the most popular mattress types. The reason is because, for the average consumer, they offer the best support and sleep quality for their money.

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